Jana Burmeister – Online Redaktion und Fotodesign

Fragebogen: Lindsay Tuffin von Tasmanian Times

Lindsay Tuffin, der Herausgeber von Tasmanian Times antwortet 2007 auf meine Fragen zum Thema Bürgerjournalismus. Die Website existiert noch heute.

Jana Burmeister: How would you explain the distinguishing features of your project?
Lindsay Tuffin: To give a broader cross-section of Tasmanians access to debate and information of significance to their island.

JB: Is there any exchange between writers and editors in your project, as far as editorial processes (editing, suggestion of subjects, allocation of tasks) are concerned?
LT: This is fundamentally a one-man band and the vast majority of the articles and the daily updated comments are freely contributed without solicitation. In specific instances there are requests for specialist pieces, eg, on political trends.

JB: How much time do user spend on research and quality assurance?
LT: A small percentage.

JB: What percentage of all of your users are producing content as citizen journalists?
LT: Specifically as articles … probably 50 per cent… this is very reader driven… this applies to articles and particularly comments on articles.

JB: How do you assure that stories are correct and how do you avoid sabotage and unwelcome promotion?
LT: There is a self-correction element which ensues through the comments string. The rest through the traditional standards/ ethics of journalism as I am a professional journalist.

JB: Which are the subjects covered often by users and which subjects are covered rarely?
LT: Politics, forestry practices, specifically at the moment controversy over a
new pulp mill plan, social justice issues. Philosophical pieces related to the future of the island of Tasmania. Least probably sport.

JB: Which relevance and which special function has the digital community for your users?
LT: Interactive debate.

JB: What do you think motivates users to get active as citizen journalists?
LT: Frustration at conventional media’s inadequate coverage of issues.

JB: In which way do you finance the project?
LT: From the chardonnay account. I finance it at a great loss!

JB: What do you think how citizen journalism will develop in future?
LT: Ever ever more. We’re just scratching the surface. Citizen journalism will
grow and grow and grow… because individuals wish their voices to be heard
and not put constantly through a restrictive media grid.

Stand des Interviews 2007

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